My Vulkan Learning Journey

When I first understood that I want to improve myself in computer graphics, I immediately tried to learn Vulkan API. I struggled so hard just rendering a triangle onto the screen. I tracked my progress in this Github repository. I have also taken notes(for last parts, I unfortunately started copy pasting the tutorial material) for each tutorial part that I’ve finished.

Since it was really hard for me, I thought that learning OpenGL and graphics programming fundamentals first is wiser to start learning Vulkan. So right now, I’m improving my skills in OpenGL and Graphics Programming in general. When I feel ready, I am going to dive into Vulkan once more and learn it. For now, I have finished;

  • Window Surface
  • Swap Chain
  • Image Views
  • Graphics Pipeline Intro
  • Shader Modules
  • Fixed Functions
  • Render Passes
  • Graphics Pipeline Conclusion
  • Framebuffers
  • Command Buffers
  • Rendering and Presentation
  • Swap Chain Recreation
  • Vertex Input Description
  • Vertex Buffer Creation
  • Staging Buffer
  • Index Buffer Creation
  • Uniform Buffers Descriptor Layout and Buffer
  • Uniform Buffers Descriptor Pool and Sets
  • Texture Mapping Images

Since I tried to learn all these things at one in my free time(normally midnights), I even forgot what some of them were about. So I will definitely go over with everything when I return this realm.

ngle I’ve managed to show

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