Simple Ray Tracer

In Ceng477 course we took in 2018-2019 Fall semester, we implemented a basic Ray Tracer. Implementing this project was really fun but since I took many courses in that semester, my workload was really high so I could not implement advanced stuff with in my Ray Tracer. However, this semester (2020-2021 Spring), I’m going to implement an advanced Ray Tracer and finally learn how to produce those fancy images :D. This post is about the work that I’ve done when I was younger in 2018-2019. Here is the github link.

In the project, I was reading scene information from xml files and rendering the resulting image in ppm files.

My solution was not very efficient because I did not use concepts like bounding volume hiearchy and etc. Here are some of my outputs.

simple reflectance
cornellbox front
cornellbox inverse
mirror spheres


In this project, I wrote very messy code including some jokes referring Aykut Elmas’ vines that I’ve found funny that time. That’s a very bad coding style I know. I did not tidy the code because I want to see my improvement in writing cleaner code. I have only integrated Cmake in the project. I hope I get better every year 😀

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