Unity Learning Journey: The Watchman

I also started learning Unity Engine. I’m working on a prototype which I call “The Watchman”. I plan it to be a third person game where The Watchman(blue pill) tries to defend a path from incoming enemy waves(red pills).

I have implemented camera movements by searching how to do that on the internet and found a solution using quaternions. As far as I’m concerned, quaternions are used a lot in this field for preventing the so called gimble lock. Right now, I can use quaternions in Unity but I don’t fully understand the mathematical concept behind it. I will study that in my free time!

I have also implemented some parts of the game mechanics and animations;

Facial Expressions

Facial expressions depend on the health of the living entities in our game such as player and enemies

angry face
angry smile
sad face

And here is the state diagram of facial expressions;

state diagram of facial expressions

Player Stances

There are certain stances for players. They are activated with inputs and cooldowns written with coroutines in C# scripts

firing animation
guarding animation
guard walk animation
running animation
attack animation
spin attack animation
dodge animation

Example Gameplay


I’m a complete noob in Unity but doing my best learning it. I will not quit learning it till I completely feel comfortable creating prototypes. I will add more updates as I carry on developing this prototype.

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