Raytracing: Revisited Part 7

End of the semester came finally :D. In the final part of our homeworks, we have implemented; Object Lights ( Sphere and Mesh) Monte Carlo Sampling Path Tracing I struggled a lot as always and want to share what I did in this part. I got some weird results while implementing. This homework is dividedContinue reading “Raytracing: Revisited Part 7”

Raytracing Revisited: Part 6

In this part, we have added Bidirectional reflectance distribution function (BRDF) to our ray tracers. This homework was simpler than the previous work we had done. We have added; Phong Modified Phong Blinn – Phong Modified Blinn – Phong Torrance – Sparrow Models as BRDF functions. I started with adding new functions for reading BRDFContinue reading “Raytracing Revisited: Part 6”

RayTracing Revisited: Part 5

I am delivering this part of the homework a couple of minutes late(update: I finished in 5.29 AM 😀) because I was dealing with some artifacts in my resulting images. This has caused me to panic a little so I’m taking a deep breath and going to explain the difficulties I’ve encountered and how IContinue reading “RayTracing Revisited: Part 5”

RayTracing Revisited: Part 4

It is 11:50 PM and I’ve managed to submit my code before the deadline this time. This week was about textures. We have implemented; Background Textures for rays not hitting any objects Diffuse reflectance maps for manipulating reflectance coefficient (replacing or blending) Completely using texture color on an object (replace_all) Normal Maps Bump Maps ProceduralContinue reading “RayTracing Revisited: Part 4”

Ray Tracing: Revisited Part 3

In this part of the project, we had to implement; Transformations Instancing Multisampling Depth Of Field Area Lights Motion Blur Glossy Reflections I’m delivering this part in OdtuClass today (10/05/2021) because I could not debug some problems that I was facing. I didn’t want to publish an unfinished work so I tried to debug themContinue reading “Ray Tracing: Revisited Part 3”

Ray Tracer: Revisited Part 2

IMPORTANT NOTE In this two weeks, I was trying to implement a BVH tree with GLSL shaders. And then, I was going to implement recursive ray tracing (I failed :D). I immediately initiated another RayTracer project which runs on CPU. My CPU project runs a lot faster than GPU implementation. This proves that I needContinue reading “Ray Tracer: Revisited Part 2”

Ray Tracing: Revisited Part 1

I have been working on the first homework and since I was trying new things, I could not start writing my experiences earlier. I think now I can start explaining my initial experience in Advanced Ray Tracing course. I used to struggle a lot setting up my development environment when I was younger, I stillContinue reading “Ray Tracing: Revisited Part 1”

Unity Learning Journey: The Watchman

I also started learning Unity Engine. I’m working on a prototype which I call “The Watchman”. I plan it to be a third person game where The Watchman(blue pill) tries to defend a path from incoming enemy waves(red pills). I have implemented camera movements by searching how to do that on the internet and foundContinue reading “Unity Learning Journey: The Watchman”

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